Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Well, this here's basically my first post so I'll start off by telling you I have just about no experience at all in blog writing. Whenever I try to make a blog, I end up leaving it to rot in fiery hell because I never had anything to say - or write, you know what I mean.

But now, I've decided I do have something to say (or write, whatever, get off my back, yeah?).

The main reason why I'm writing this blog, the key point - and you're not going to believe me - is the environment. Oh yeah, big ol' Mother Nature. Haha, I can almost feel all your eye-rolling and brow-raising through the computer screen, but hey, I don't really care because that's what this blog is about. That's right, my mission? Saving the world.

Call me crazy, call me pathetic. Heck, call me mentally impaired , but I'm dead serious . Believe it or not, our world is dying, and (would you believe it?) at our hands. We choke the skies with all our fumes until it is no longer safe to breathe. We poison our rivers until we barely have enough clean water for everyone. This is why I'm writing this blog. This is my stand.

Don't get me wrong though, this blog's purpose isn't only to be the little nagging voice in your
head that makes you recycle and stuff . I suppose like most blogs, it'll broadcast my day to day life and will probably display any of my personal moans and groans about how Pepsi and Coke are the same thing.

see? :)