In any case I've decided to come back to revive it before it starts rotting like all my other ahem.. "blogs"

So... nothing much has changed. The holidays are still as boring as hell and the boredom is still eating away at what is left of my brain

I've also decided to start eating more fish, bleh.
LOL don't get me wrong, I have nothing against fish... Except that maybe I hate it. Haha, I can't help it, really! It just tastes so.. (would you believe it?) fishy ._.
But I'm gonna try anyway, cause well it's "healthy" for me, ick. Lol, and fish don't produce any greenhouse gases. I mean, have you ever seen a fish fart? Haha, that's.. a pleasant mental image... Anyway by eating more fish and less beef I'm hoping I'd be able to do my little part in slowing down global warming. Haha, sad I know, considering I'm only one person. But that's why I made this blog. You can help too :)
It could be anything from setting a timer on your air-conds to switching to flourescent bulbs. Heck, you could even join me on my suicidal crusade of fish consumption :O Wipee..
Signing off, your friendly neighbourhood fish-consuming friend.
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