Friday, November 14, 2008

Bored :O

Damn the holidays are boring.
I mean, like mind-numbingly boring.
Like, watching-the-grass-would-be-more-fun-than-this boring o_O
And I'm no expert, but that's preeettyyyyy boring.
Wow, I think my brain just died, haha

In any case, before my entire brain rots itself silly, I think I'll do something productive.
Like tidy my room.
Or save a cat from a tree.

Or just post something here :D

Seeing as how my room is like a suicide bombing gone wrong, I'm not sure I'm looking forward to tidying up in there. Also, considering I'm probably too short to save a cat from a tree, I guess that's out too. I could use the ladder, though that's probably somewhere high up where I cannot reach either ._.
Oh the sadness... LOL

So that just leaves this thing that is currently failing to pass as a blog. You know what that means... Post number 3

I have to say, I thought living a boring day was hell, but I'm starting to realize, trying to write ABOUT a boring is like hell times two. Heck it's hell to the power of two! It's hell times hell!
Bleurgh.. Math just came out of my mouth o_O

I'm not sure I did anything worth while today. I peed I suppose. Does that count? I suppose my kidney's are happy :D

What's the past tense of pee anyway? Peeed? o_O How odd... Peeded? No.. that's just silly...

Anyway, you guys have gotta watch this! It's claymation! It's when you take a dozen billion thrillion googillion pictures of clay with each picture moving a little. Play it all back in a fluid motion and you get claymation.

There, that was something worthwhile I suppose. I advertised some dude's claymation vid :D

Alrighty, having done that, I'm gonna go sleep now. Might be the only thing keeping me sane. That, and the little funny doodles you sometimes find at public toilets

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