Saturday, November 22, 2008

In Support of Tree Hugging

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.
This is no exception I'm sure, but a thousand is a little too much for me.

Here's ten

1. Awesome (nuf' said)

2. Great (the greatest people on earth are tree-huggers. well, them and clowns)

3. Eco-friendly (how much friendlier can you get when you're hugging a tree?)

4. Caring (hey, even trees need love once in a while)

5. Extreme (cheyeahhh... totallyyy, take that extreme skateboarding!)

6. Cool (make all your friends jealous, well, not really)

7. Amazing (like duh)

8. Unpredictable (omg, is that a tree?)

9. Brave (this, sadly, only applies to trees with thorns)

10. FUN (better than gameboy! hahaha)

Alright, ten words. Ten perfectly good reasons to hug a tree. So right here, right now, I dare you.

Hug a tree.
Or whenever :D

What does this achieve? Well, nothing much, but hey, it's good to get close to nature once in a while. It's therapeutic. It's cathartic. It's healing.

You might get a few (MANY) weird glances, but who cares? :D haha

So, dares you to hug a tree, you up for it? Heck, hug more than one tree if you want. After all, the other trees could get jealous.

Disclaimer: Tree-hugging will not guarantee in making you Awesome, Great, Eco-friendly, Caring, Extreme, Cool or any of the above descriptions. But do hug one anyway :)

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