Saturday, November 15, 2008

Mother Nature

Hey, I've noticed that despite being the main reason I started this blog, I have written NOTHING bout saving the environment or preserving our world. Now that has to be fixed. Like now O_o. And so, before Mother Nature smites me with lightning or something, I'll post something globally related.


Anyhow, there are all sorts of things we could do to save the environment, none of which will cost you much, physically or financially. So listen up, yeah? Or, watch up? See up? Whatever. Here's five steps. This... could take a while, haha.

Step number one.

Recycle your tin cans (shocker, huh?). But I'm serious, recycle any tin cans you drink from. Or if you're at a coffee shop and you're too lazy, just leave it there! The coffee shop owners tend to collect them and resell them to recycling plants so don't throw them away!

I know how ironic it is saying that you shouldn't throw your tin cans away, but it's true. For every tin can you recycle, you save enough enough energy to watch TV for three hours! That's like two movies, take or leave a few extra minutes. So if you want to keep your TV up and going, pick up a can and recycle it. Like now. Well, after you read steps two to five.

Step number two.

I know how odd this sounds, but by eating less beef you can help save our world. How wonky is that? In any case, I mean it.

Reducing red meat consumption by as little as 10% would cut the gases emitted by cows, sheep and goats that contribute to global warming. That's right. They fart. And a lot. And their err.. let's call it flatulence (how posh). Their flatulence (lol, it's such a funny word) contains a lot of methane and nitrous oxide, both of which are green house gases with greater warming effect than carbon dioxide.

By decreasing beef (or any red meat) consumption, we can help slow global warming by reducing the number of livestock and thereby lowering the amount of gas they give off. Pleasant, huh? I'm not saying that you should go totally vegan or anything. I mean, I like my meat as much as the next guy, but try giving this some thought the next time you get a burger, yeah? P.S I just ate a burger. I know, I am such a hypocrite. Shame is me

Step number three, oh yeahh.

Alrighty, number three! Air-conditioners. Most of you have them. Most of you are using it now. Well if you're not, then good for you. Cookies for all. The cost to run an air-conditioner unit for 24 hours averages between $2.00 - $3.00. A ceiling fan will cost you about 15 cents a day. A portable fan about 30 cents. Notice the difference? You betcha.

Also, if you have to use the air-conditioning, try setting the temperature to 24°C or higher. You use 3 to 5 percent more energy for each degree your air-cond is set below 24°C. So 24°C degrees is basically golden.

Step number four, almost there...

Yep refrigerators. The magic food box . It's interesting to know how much energy is used to keep all that food cold.

Basically, the energy is used up when the compressor (would you believe it?) compresses the gas inside to make it cold. When the temperature inside rises, it will turn the compressor on to cool down the air again. It's like having your air-conditioner on all day long. Woopy-dee-daa-doo.

So what can you do? Simple. Think about what you want before you open the refrigerator door. 30% of the cooled air escapes every time the fridge is opened, even more if you stand there pondering about what drink to get or which candy you're gonna eat (my vote's on the Maltesers).

Step number five :D

Wow, if you managed to read until here, give yourself a pat on the back. Despite it making you look completely awkward, I'm sure you deserve it, haha. Getting here was no easy feat I am sure, especially since I'm the one typing *cringe*.

In any case, if you're using a laptop, this tip is for you. When you're not using it, you really should turn off your wireless. You notice that your laptop battery will last a lot longer that way. This is because quite some bit of energy is used to maintain the connection with a wireless modem. So if you're just listening to some music or playing an offline game, try disabling your wireless.

For most laptops, this can be done by flipping that little slidey thing that says "Wireless" on your laptop. Simple, yes?

Also, if you're going to go and do something while leaving the computer on, try setting it on stand-by or at least turn off the screen. This can be done via some setting in the Control Panel. If you're using a desktop, just turn off the monitor. Believe it or not, screen savers do little to cut the energy cost, so try one of these methods instead.

Wow, that was a mouthful :D Seeing as how I've worked so hard typing all of this, you really oughta consider trying to do your part. Cause I'd be sad otherwise :(

Haha, I'm totally kidding.

But seriously :(

1 comment:

Tania said...

hahaha good post. interesting and errr..... well it's good LOL!!